The Witcher: This is the Henry Cavill show. Period.

A fun and action packed first season with a muddled timeline that becomes slightly clearer at the very end. That being said, it’s perfectly alright to say that this did not live up to its hype. 

Apart from Cavill’s gruff, dark, sarcastic, albeit charming portrayal of Geralt, The Witcher seems half-baked and rushed. Hopefully, there will be room to slow things down and deep dive into the development of some of its characters next time around.

It might be popular but let’s make one thing very clear, this is no Game of Thrones. However, The Witcher is out there and is here to stay.

P.S. Toss a Coin to your Witcher did come out as one of the biggest surprise hits though! I have to admit, it is catchy.

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