Jojo Rabbit: “It’s definitely not a good time to be a Nazi.”

Inspired by the book ‘Caging Skies‘ by Christine Leunens, Taika Waititi’s latest film is a satire and thought provoking commentary on a system of beliefs that still plague us today.

For a film with a not-so-serious tone – imagine a dancing Hitler – Jojo Rabbit does a commendable job at hitting the nail on its head to drive its point home. With a penchant for the whimsy and a wonderful cast in place, the film is hilarious, crazy, witty, smart, and still shockingly relevant and extremely necessary.

Summed up succinctly before the end credits roll. In the words of Rainer Maria Rilke,

” Let everything happen
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final.”

Friendship and hope run deep through this cinematic achievement that is both moving and relatable. One of the best films of 2019, Jojo Rabbit is an absolute treat!

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