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Noel Woodward

Hello! Hello! Thank you so much for subscribing! The Newsletter a.k.a The Envelope will not only pack in content from the blog but will also be a curated mix of films, tv shows, books, podcasts & one random curiosity from the internet!


Serving up the Fifth Edition!

Handpicked Content
Film Highlight | The Disciple
Film Highlight | The Disciple
An ode to Indian Classical music and an intimate yet intense character portrait, Chaitanya Tamhane's latest film is a force of nature. This is easily one of the best films of the year! Catch it on Netflix.
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TV Highlight | Maid
TV Highlight | Maid
Inspired by an incredible true story about a "young mother who escapes an abusive relationship, and subsequently struggles to provide for her daughter by getting a job cleaning houses", 'Maid' is hands down the best TV show of the year. Margaret Qualley is out of this world in this moving, grounded, unsettling and sensitive mini-series. Another big win for Netflix.
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Book Highlight | Atomic Habits by James Clear
Book Highlight | Atomic Habits by James Clear
A fantastic piece of work that actually lives up to its cover! This really did help me lay a roadmap for building a set of habits and getting rid of the not so shiny ones. You must give this a read!
Podcast Highlight | The Team Deakins Podcast
Podcast Highlight | The Team Deakins Podcast
A podcast by one of my favourite cinematographers - Roger Deakins - 'The Team Deakins' podcast "is an ongoing conversation between acclaimed cinematographer Roger Deakins and James Deakins, his collaborator, about cinematography, the film business and whatever other questions are submitted." Dive headfirst into the world of film as the Deakins' talk about the evolution of cinema, the technicalities of film, as well as interview some of the best filmmakers, writers, producers and actors out there. This right here is one of my favourite podcasts. Subscribe wherever you listen.
Latest Posts
End of Year Film Marathon
December 4, 2021
It’s that time of the year again! I’ll be sharing a curated list of films that you should catch before the year ends! One film (sometimes two over the weekends) every day! So stay tuned! And happy watching! 🙂
Curated Curiosities
DUST | Provocative Sci-fi Shorts
DUST | Provocative Sci-fi Shorts
A spellbinding and phenomenal curation of sci-fi short films from around the world.
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