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Noel Woodward

Hello! Hello! Thank you so much for subscribing! The Newsletter a.k.a The Envelope will not only pack in content from the blog but will also be a curated mix of films, tv shows, books, podcasts & one random curiosity from the internet!


The Third Edition introduces you to something I like to call 'The Complete Experience'. One story/topic through three different lenses. Trust me, you'll start appreciating this a lot more once you try it out! :) 

The Complete Experience
The Story of Theranos

The spectacular rise and fall of Elizabeth Holmes and her startup – that was supposedly going to change the world of science and medicine – was a rude wake up call to all those who thought they had another unicorn on their hands. ⁣

“Theranos was a privately held health technology corporation. It was initially touted as a breakthrough technology company, with claims of having devised blood tests that needed only very small amounts of blood and could be performed very rapidly using small automated devices the company had developed.”⁣

From secrets to lies and from ambition to delusion, the story of ‘Theranos’ reeks of high handedness and an utter disregard for morals, ethics and the law. 

Once touted as the next Steve Jobs, Elizabeth Holmes is back in the spotlight and undergoing trial. As the drama unfolds, I felt it would be a good time to revisit one of Silicon Valley's biggest frauds.

Book Highlight | Bad Blood by John Carreyrou
Book Highlight | Bad Blood by John Carreyrou
It all begins with John Carreyrou’s exposè and subsequent Pulitzer Prize winning book (Bad Blood: Secrets & Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup) on ‘Theranos’, that sent ripples across the Valley. A nail biting piece of work that plays out like a crime thriller, 'Bad Blood' is investigative journalism at its finest.
Podcast Highlight | The Drop Out
Podcast Highlight | The Drop Out
After Carreyrou's explosive findings, it was only natural for me to delve a bit deeper into the scandal. Since Carreyrou didn't have a podcast at the time, I stumbled upon a fantastic alternative in ABC's 'The Dropout'. You should definitely dive right into this and what's more, they're back with a fresh batch of episodes to cover the trial - in real time! Almost. Fun Fact: There's a Hulu mini-series in the works, based on the podcast, with Amanda Seyfried cast as the enigmatic Elizabeth Holmes.
Film Highlight | The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley
Film Highlight | The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley
And finally, we've got Alex Gibney's - one of my favourite documentary filmmakers - 'The Inventor', which may not be as mind blowing as his other projects but it does give you a neat glimpse into the murky world of the failed Biotech Startup. Catch it on Disney+ Hotstar.
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