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Noel Woodward

Hello! Hello! Thank you so much for subscribing! The Newsletter a.k.a The Envelope will not only pack in content from the blog but will also be a curated mix of films, tv shows, books, podcasts & one random curiosity from the internet!


From a bunch of books I read, to the complete End of Year Film Marathon List, to my Top 10 Films, Documentaries and TV Shows of 2022, there's a whole lot of content I'd like to share - which will stray a little from my usual format. 


There's quite a lot to unpack. So take your time. 


Here's wishing everyone a wonderful year ahead! :)

My Year in Books | 2022
My Year in Books | 2022
It's been a blissful year when it comes to reading and I've been extremely fortunate to discover some sensational works. From translated fiction - which has been a revelation - to enthralling sci-fi epics to hilarious and engaging memoirs. I'm pretty sure there are a couple of titles that will pique your interest. Head on over and check them out.
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Top 10 Films, Documentaries & TV Shows | 2022
December 30, 2022
Here’s looking back at some of the best cinema and television – a mix of awesome stories, brilliant performances and spectacular filmmaking.
End of Year Film Marathon
December 28, 2022
It’s that time of the year again! I’ll be sharing a curated list of films that you should catch before the year ends. One film every day! So stay tuned, and happy watching!
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